Thursday, March 12, 2009

From spring back to winter

Well after a couple of beautiful days that were great for baseball, we went right back to winter today. Unfortunately, Saint had to play softball at Bunker Hill in the cold wind today. Didn't cool their bats though as they went on to stomp Bunker Hill in 5 innings.

Galleries from the two Saint wins in baseball over arch rival Hickory and the Lady Indians win over Bunker Hill have now been loaded. Enjoy!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is it Greg Johnston or James Gregory?

Is it Greg Johnston or James Gregory? Just who owns this place any way?

Well it is both. And we both own it.

When I was looking for a name for the first photography company, I thought my first and middle name sounded better than the middle and the last. No one else in the state had the names James Gregory, I liked the logo, and thus it became JGp-James Gregory Photography.

Well little did I know that there were TWO Jim Gregory's in the area who are photographers. That's when the confusion began. Every one wanted to shorten the name from James to Jim and wanted to know if I had a studio in Conover or took pictures at the YMCA. Now two years later I still get phone calls and emails from their customers looking for one or the other them.

Which brings us to Greg Johnston. That is the name I have always gone by and will be the name of the new wedding site and company that will focus on all things weddings. The new site should be up this week and will feature new flash gallery's and a much more attractive presentation of the weddings I capture.

And maybe, just maybe, the clients will not call me Mr One can only hope.


Just about done...with new website.

Wow, these things take longer than one might expect. In any case the goal is to have the web site up by this Friday.....

This web site will be for engagement, bridals, and weddings only.